Evil Examined
Bumps in the Night, Serial Killers, Abductions, Satan, Poltergeists, Witchcraft, Conspiracy, Evil, Aliens, EVIL ALIENS... What disturbs you? Open your mind's eye and dive into the depths of depravity. Dust off the magnifying glass and attempt to understand the terrors that we must face, as we prepare to examine the evils that plague are history and occur around us every day.
128 episodes
Sick Reddit Stories Volume 3
The final part of our trilogy of online creepiness. Can it get any nastier than the buffet of absurdity that we've already pigged out on? Only one way to find out...
Episode 4

Sick Reddit Stories Volume 2
Prepare yourself for another hot dose of the most sickening stories we could locate on Reddit. Enjoy the disturbing nature of these necrotic nuggets!
Season 4
Episode 3

Buttonwoods Brewery - The Wheel of Doom
Drinking beers, selling Aron Beauregard Horror books and Merch, and of course, talking to weirdos. This is what we do at live events people. Ask random folks strange and creepy questions! Enjoy!
Season 4
Episode 2

Sick Reddit Stories Volume 1
On this weeks show we look at a collection of some of the most disturbing stories we could locate on Reddit. Prepare yourself for a buffet of pure carnage and horror!
Season 4
Episode 1

Extra Evil - Space Muff & Extratersexual Stuff
In this incredibly bizarre episode of the Evil Examined Podcast we take a look at otherworldly relationships. Close encounters of the absurd kind. Are aliens splicing their species in with humanity? From a man who claims to have evidence of an ...

Extra Evil - Skepticism 101 (Part 2)
This week we continue our journey into ruining all fantasy and fun by interviewing none other than world renowned non-believer John the Skeptic. We continue last weeks discussion and delve into some highly bizarre and strange topics that culmin...

Extra Evil - Skepticism 101 (Part 1)
This week we dive into the brain of one of our own. The man who doesn't believe in anything cool; John the Skeptic. We broach a variety of topics to see if the skeptic can find any room in his cold black heart for the otherworldly. Or will he s...

The Manhunt Murder
It's an age old argument; can a game set in a fictional world cause someone to commit violence? Can it influence their actions? Should creators feel responsibility? Should material deemed perverse, ultra-violent, or obscene be banned for the mi...

Skin Deep
This week we delve into another creepy cult. Disturbed racists, hypnotized Jesus freaks, incest, beastiality, murder, betrayal, and pure unadulterated horror are just a few of the ingredients in this melting pot of rancid immorality.

Creepy Encounters
On this very special bonus edition of Evil Examined we take a look at a variety of highly unsettling encounters. From lonely walks home, to hitching a ride with a weirdo, to home invading vagrants, to an eerie campground story, we touch on the ...

Unfortunate Announcement
A sad day for Evil Examined. Sorry to everyone, I wish it could be different.

To Hell and Back
As promised, this week we bring you back to the place where dreams die and hope fades away. Where a rancid evil lurks with reckless abandon and sinister motive. If you enjoyed our Extra Evil episode "Going to Hell" from a few months ago, then b...
Season 3
Episode 29

Creepy Child Show Hosts
At a young and impressionable age we look to our parents to guide us though the early years. To help us get our footing and understand right from wrong, and appropriate from inappropriate. But during those critical developmental years, there ar...
Season 3
Episode 28

That Time of the Month
This week's Odd News segment is filled with weirdness, melancholic atmosphere, and downright sickening content. In honor of woman's month, learn about the bizarre case of a woman who had a strange side effect attached to her monthly mensuration...
Season 3
Episode 27

Rough Bitch
A question we as a society often find ourselves asking is; is an individuals moral fiber determined at conception or is it molded by their experiences? The nature verses nurture argument is as old as curiosity. If someone has horrific and ghast...
Season 3
Episode 26

Terrible Tweakers
Possession is a long debated topic; can your body be controlled by another force? Spiritually it's still a debate, but this week we discuss the indisputable chemical reality. Horror stories of hallucinations and altered states of mind that push...
Season 3
Episode 25

Holy Land
This week on the Odd News we discuss the dognapping of Lady Gaga's pups. A robbery clearly gone wrong that left her dog walker shot in the chest. Additionally, we discuss what it was like to visit the now defunct and highly bizarre religious th...

House of Horrors
Enter a house that harbors filth of an unspeakable nature. Enter a house that is the cornerstone of neglect and the pillar or perversion. Enter a house where the occupants inside have depravity in their DNA... those that are still alive anyway....

The Supreme Gentleman
During the evening hours of May 23rd, 2014 Elliot Rodger murdered six people in cold-blooded and disturbing fashion. Then when confronted by police he turned his gun on himself and joined the body count that he'd helped accumulated. Why would y...
Season 3
Episode 23

Witness Protection
When you hear the words "Witness Protection" most people think, based on movies, books, and other media, that they understand what the program offers and its overall purpose. But often the true details of what being under witness protection is ...
Season 3
Episode 22

The Blue Whale Challenge
No matter how much time we spend trying to keep our children safe and out of harm's way they will always be vulnerable. The creature comforts that have come to be embedded in our DNA are too convenient and important to shun due to their relativ...
Season 3
Episode 21

New Year New Fear
During the new year we all tend to think about the future. We think about what comes next. We think about what we can change about ourselves to make us better. We think about ways that we can make circumstances better for our families and frien...
Season 3
Episode 20

Shitty Sitters - Part Deuce
Last week on the Odd News we tackled a more recent case of a murderous babysitter. This week we dive back into the annals of history and flush out the biggest turds over time, and these are some beauties. We take a look at five of the most nigh...
Season 3
Episode 19

Shitty Sitters - Part 1
There is a time in our lives when everything and everyone seems harmless. When the world is mostly a mystery and the simple aspects of life are all that matter. If we're fortunate enough, our parents are watching over us and creating a comforti...
Season 3
Episode 18

Extra Evil - Traces of Death IV: Resurrection
This week because of our holiday layoff, we are uploading a vintage episode that reviews the most traumatic and horrible deaths caught on film in the deplorable shockumentary "Traces of Death IV: Resurrection." Not to be confused with the Faces...