Evil Examined
Bumps in the Night, Serial Killers, Abductions, Satan, Poltergeists, Witchcraft, Conspiracy, Evil, Aliens, EVIL ALIENS... What disturbs you? Open your mind's eye and dive into the depths of depravity. Dust off the magnifying glass and attempt to understand the terrors that we must face, as we prepare to examine the evils that plague are history and occur around us every day.
Evil Examined
Extra Evil - Skepticism 101 (Part 1)
Evil Examined
This week we dive into the brain of one of our own. The man who doesn't believe in anything cool; John the Skeptic. We broach a variety of topics to see if the skeptic can find any room in his cold black heart for the otherworldly. Or will he simply crush our dreams and send us screaming back into a boring world with no magic or surprises?