Evil Examined
Bumps in the Night, Serial Killers, Abductions, Satan, Poltergeists, Witchcraft, Conspiracy, Evil, Aliens, EVIL ALIENS... What disturbs you? Open your mind's eye and dive into the depths of depravity. Dust off the magnifying glass and attempt to understand the terrors that we must face, as we prepare to examine the evils that plague are history and occur around us every day.
Evil Examined
Extra Evil - Going To Hell
Evil Examined
When we hear people recount their near death experiences many are able to communicate vivid details of what they believe to be heaven but what about those whose karma didn’t earn their entry into the pearly gates? What about those who saw hell instead... Take the disturbing case of Matthew Botsford who in March of 1992 was minding his own god damn business after finishing up a meal inside a restaurant before being shot in the head with an uzi and vaulted into a horrifying 27 day coma. The morbid and demonic things that he was forced to endure and witness forever impacted him. Join us this week as we go to hell...